St John's Primary is the perfect choice for your child. Learn more and enrol today!
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St John’s Primary is a caring school community where each child is known, cared for and understood, enabling them to become independent, lifelong learners.
We offer a contemporary and relevant education through our modern learning spaces and the latest learning technologies. Learning takes place in a nurturing and supportive environment that ensures all our students appreciate their uniqueness and self-worth and that of their peers.
Our school motto ‘strive to achieve’ guides us in all aspects of school life and encourages our students and staff to take up challenges.
Expanding minds
At St John’s we understand that every child learns differently. Our teachers are well trained and are focused on providing the highest quality teaching and learning opportunities. They do this by tailoring learning to the diverse needs of all students. To cater to these diverse needs, our teachers collaborate to design learning programs that are flexible and allow students to learn as individuals, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class.
We strive to create a happy and safe learning environment. We provide opportunities for individual growth as we develop the potential of each student, through the provision of an excellent academic program. We provide opportunities for students to excel academically and to develop lifelong skills in areas such as critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership.
We offer a focused literacy and numeracy program through Focus160 and additional support for students through our Reading Recovery and Extending Mathematical Understanding intervention programs.
We also offer a diverse range of extra-curricular and social outreach opportunities, which allows our students to express themselves and reach out to others beyond the classroom.
Personalised Development
Each child is unique and learns differently. In some cases, children have specific learning difficulties and disabilities that require additional programs and support.
Our learning support team work with classroom teachers, parents and specialist teachers where needed, to ensure each student has the support they need for success and growth in their learning. The learning support team provides support by assisting students in the classroom, working with teachers to develop appropriate learning tasks, and assisting parents to access support from outside agencies.
Our classroom teachers also ensure student learning is relevant, engaging and meets each student’s needs and potential. They achieve this by identifying and building on individual student abilities, through appropriate targeted enrichment activities. This provides students with the opportunity to extend themselves.
Enriching Learning
St John’s is proud to have a long history of educating many generations of students in Riverstone and its surrounding areas. We are fortunate to have heritage buildings which offer large, modern and flexible learning spaces. They are equipped with the latest technologies and resources to enhance learning experiences and engage students in their learning. At St John’s we recognise that learning takes place anytime, anywhere.
Our school library is well-resourced and allows students to develop and pursue a passion for reading. Students have access to a wide range of reading material and are encouraged to make use of the library facilities during lunch times. Students are expected to read at home each night and parents are encouraged to participate in their child’s reading.
St John’s is fortunate to have large outdoor recreation areas where students can learn using digital technologies and participate in sporting activities. We have a wide range of sporting equipment for play and structured sport.
Pastoral Care
At St John's, we help each child grow in self-discipline, and to feel God's love in the way they interact with others. Our pastoral care recognises that each person is special and unique in God's eyes. Our care and concern of each individual in our community is a reflection of this pastoral care dimension. It values respect for each other and highlights the dignity of each person.
We believe that every child has a right to respect, happiness, safety and learning. Policies and procedures guide our practices.
We offer a contemporary and relevant education through our modern learning spaces and the latest learning technologies.
We invite you to learn how we are implementing contemporary learning through the use of flexible classroom spaces and teacher expertise, to achieve the best outcomes for every child.
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