
At St John's Primary, we foster a strong sense of pride in our students.

We ask that children wear full school uniform at all times and we ask for parents' support in ensuring appropriate haircuts and wearing of limited jewellery.

We believe that when the students at St John's wear their full school uniform, they:

  • have a sense of self pride
  • have a sense of school pride and present a unified group to the wider community
  • are easily identified as belonging to the school community.

We believe that a standard school uniform:

  • gives parents a practical option that provides an opportunity for all students, regardless of economic status, to present themselves for school each day, equally.





Standard watches

Plain stud or sleeper earrings permitted  girls only

Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable. this includes scalp designs (e.g. Lines and patterns), under cuts, colour, foils, streaks, rats tails, mullets etc. Hair is to be tidy and neither grown, cut nor groomed in an extreme or exaggerated fashion. Hair is to appear to be of a natural colour with no contrast. 


Hair shoulder length or longer must be tied back with a regulation (school colours, Sky Blue/Navy Blue/Maroon) ribbon, band or school scrunchie and off the face so sight is not impeded.


Short and neat. cut neatly around ears, back of neck and around face. Any hair longer than collar length must be pinned or tied back so sight is not impeded.

No nail polish is permitted to be worn


St John’s Primary has a No Hat - No Play policy. School hats are to be worn at all times.

School uniform

Girls Boys
Pinafore Maroon check Shirt Sky blue, long sleeve
Blouse Sky blue, long sleeve, peter pan collar Trousers Grey, tailored style
Jacket Maroon with zip and school emblem Jacket Maroon with zip and school emblem
Black, traditional style which can be polished Shoes Black, traditional style which can be polished
Tights Grey ribbed (not maroon) Socks Grey ankle socks with blue and maroon stripes
Tab tie Cross over style - matches uniform  Tie School striped tie 
Hat Maroon hat with school emblem (available from the school office) Hat Maroon hat with school emblem (available from the school office)


Girls Boys
Blue check dress with tab tie Sky blue short sleeve shirt and grey school shorts
Black traditional style school shoes which can be polished Black traditional style school shoes which can be polished
Plain Sky blue ankle length socks with fold over top (not anklet)

Grey with blue and maroon stripe ankle length socks with fold over top (not anklet)

Maroon hat with school emblem (available from the school office) Maroon hat with school emblem (available from the school office)
Maroon Jacket with zip and school emblem Maroon Jacket with zip and school emblem


Girls Boys
Sky blue polo shirt with school emblem Sky blue polo shirt with school emblem
Navy blue knit shorts Navy blue knit shorts
Plain white ankle length socks with fold over top (not anklet) Plain white ankle length socks with fold over top (not anklet)
White sports shoes with white laces White sports shoes with white laces
School Sports tracksuit with school emblem School Sports tracksuit with school emblem
Maroon hat with school emblem (available from the school office) Maroon hat with school emblem (available from the school office)


Sports uniform is unchanged summer and winter – the tracksuit may only be worn on sports days.

All students are required to use the St John’s school bag, library bag and hat – available at the school office.

All St John’s uniform items are only available at Lowes, Rouse Hill Town Centre. 

Wearing of the correct school uniform is compulsory. If the student is not wearing the correct uniform a letter will be sent home to advise of the breach of the uniform policy.